Parcourir tous les fichiers Adobe Systems Incorporated

Lignes par page :       de 7
Extension Développeur du type de fichier Catégorie de fichiers Description du type de fichier Logiciel Développeur de logiciel
.DXF Autodesk, Inc. Fichiers CAD Drawing Exchange Format Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.DXR Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers vidéo Protected Macromedia Director Movie Adobe Director Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EAP Sparx Systems Fichiers de données Enterprise Architect Project Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EBX IBM Fichiers de développeurs Rational Rose 98 Compiled Script Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDB Microsoft Corporation Fichiers de base de données Exchange Information Store Database Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDD Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données Adobe FrameMaker Element Definition Document File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDL Avid Technology Fichiers vidéo Edit Decision List File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDM Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de développeurs Adobe Extension Data Markup Language File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDML Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de développeurs Adobe Extension Data Markup Language File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDN Xilinx, Inc. Fichiers CAD EDIF Implementation Netlist File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers eBook Adobe eBook Download Settings Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EMF Microsoft Corporation Fichiers d’image vectorielle Enhanced Windows Metafile Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EMZ Microsoft Corporation Fichiers d’image vectorielle Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ENV Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données Adobe Dictionary Data File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPR Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Photoshop AME Preset File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPS Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Encapsulated PostScript File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPSF Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Encapsulated PostScript Format File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPSI Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers graphiques Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPT Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers divers Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format With TIFF Preview Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPUB IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) Fichiers eBook Open eBook File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ETD Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers eBook Adobe Reader EBX Transfer Data File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EXP Unknown Developer Fichiers de développeurs Symbols Export File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EXR Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers Raster Image OpenEXR Image Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4A Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers audio Adobe Flash Protected Audio File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4B Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers audio Adobe Flash MP4 Audio eBook File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4F Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Segment Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4M Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers 3D Adobe Flash Media Manifest File Adobe Media Server Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4P Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers vidéo Adobe Flash Protected Media File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4V Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers vidéo Flash MP4 Video File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.F4X Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers vidéo Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Index File HTTP Dynamic Streaming Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FAX Interscape Fichiers de mise en page Now Contact Fax Template Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FDF Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers textes Acrobat Forms Data Format Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FDS Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données JetForm FormFlow Data File JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFF Hasselblad Fichiers Raw 'appareil photo Hasselblad RAW Image Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFO Microsoft Corporation Fichiers système Find Fast Document Properties Cache Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFT Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de plugin Adobe Audition Noise Print File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFX Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres After Effects Preset File Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Adobe FreeHand Image Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH10 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 10 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH11 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 11 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH3 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 3 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH6 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 6 Drawing File Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH7 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Adobe FreeHand 7 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH8 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 8 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH9 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 9 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FHC Canute LLP Fichiers de données FHC Data File Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FHD Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand Drawing File Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FIF OpenText Corp. Fichiers d’image vectorielle Fractal Image File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FIO Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres PhotoStyler Graphics Filter Aldus PhotoStyler Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FK Flash-Integro LLC Fichiers audio Flash Streamed Media File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FLA Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de développeurs Adobe Animate Animation Adobe Animate CC 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FLAC Xiph.Org Fichiers audio Free Lossless Audio Codec File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FLM Image-Line Fichiers audio FL Studio Mobile Song File Adobe Scout Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FLT Presagis Fichiers 3D OpenFlight Scene Description File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FLV Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers vidéo Animate Video File Adobe Animate CC 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FM Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de mise en page FrameMaker Document Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FMV Safe Software Fichiers GIS FME Desktop Viewspace File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FPK Interscape Fichiers de jeu Civilization 4 Data File JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FPX Kodak Fichiers Raster Image FlashPix Bitmap Image File Adobe Lightroom CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FRA Electronic Arts Fichiers de jeu FIFA World Cup Game Data Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FRAME Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers graphiques Adobe FrameMaker Interchange Format Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FRL Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données Electronic Form Loader File JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FRZ Snes9x Team Fichiers de jeu Snes9x Saved State JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT5 Macromedia Fichiers d’image vectorielle Macromedia Freehand Template Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT7 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 7 Drawing Template Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT8 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 8 Template Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT9 Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle FreeHand 9 Drawing Template Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FXG Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Flash XML Graphics File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FXP Microsoft Corporation Fichiers exécutables FoxPro Compiled Program Adobe Flash Builder Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GAI Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager File Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GBD Great Budget Software Fichiers de données Great Budget Budget Definition Data Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GIF The GIMP Development Team Fichiers Raster Image Graphical Interchange Format File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GLO Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de données RoboHelp Glossary File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GMT Image Space Incorporated Fichiers 3D rFactor Model File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GRD Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Photoshop Gradient File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HDP Microsoft Corporation Fichiers Raster Image HD Photo File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HELPCFG Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Adobe AIR Help Configuration Adobe AIR Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HLM Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers textes Winhelp Vbhilfe File Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HLP Microsoft Corporation Fichiers système Windows Help File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HPJ Microsoft Corporation Fichiers système Help Project File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HPR Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Internal RoboHelp File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HSE Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de développeurs Homesite Snippet End Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTA Microsoft Corporation Fichiers exécutables HTML Application Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTACCESS Apache Software Foundation Fichiers Web Apache HTACCESS File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTM Various Developers Fichiers Web Hypertext Markup Language File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTML Various Developers Fichiers Web Hypertext Markup Language File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTML5 Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Fichiers de développeurs HTML5 Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source Code Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HTMLS Open Source Fichiers Web HTML With Server-Side Include Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.HYP Interscape Fichiers compressés HYPER Compressed Archive Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ICB Avid Technology Fichiers Raster Image Targa ICB Bitmap Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ICC Corel Fichiers de paramètres International Color Consortium Profile File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ICM Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de paramètres Image Color Matching Profile Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ICN Microsoft Corporation Fichiers Raster Image Windows Icon File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IDD Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de mise en page Adobe InDesign For Mac Document Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IDEA Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers d’image vectorielle Adobe Ideas Document Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IDLK Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers divers Adobe InDesign Lock File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IDML Adobe Systems Incorporated Fichiers de mise en page Adobe InDesign Markup Language File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IFC buildingSMART Fichiers 3D Industry Foundation Classes File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IFF Electronic Arts Fichiers audio Interchange File Format Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
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Compatible avec Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 et 11

Installer des logiciels optionnels - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | CLUF | Déclaration de confidentialité | Conditions | Désinstaller

“FileViewPro élimine le temps et la frustration de devoir chercher un logiciel spécifique pour ouvrir un fichier spécifique.”   - Tucows

