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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.RD Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler R Document File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.README The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.REPORT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler Report File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RHTML Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby HTML Web Page Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RJS Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby Javascript File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RPP Cockos Incorporated Lydfiler REAPER Project Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RPY Team Shanghai Alice Spilfiler Touhou Project Replay File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RSP Rockwell Automation Inc. Datafiler RSLogix PLC Program File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RTX The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Rich Text Document Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RUS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler Russian Text Or Localization Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RXML Roxen Internet Software Indstillingsfiler Roxen Macro Language Source Code Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.S19 Motorola Udviklerfiler Motorola EEPROM Programming Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SBV Superbase Software Sideopsætningsfiler Superbase Form Definition File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SCR Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Screensaver File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SCSS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webfiler Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Syntax Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SCT Scitex Rasterbilledfiler Scitex Continuous Tone File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SFB Sony Spilfiler PlayStation 3 Disc Data File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SHT The Document Foundation Webfiler HTML File With Server Side Includes Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SHTML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webfiler Server Side Include HTML File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SIF Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Setup Information File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SL SourceForge Indstillingsfiler Unix Software License File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SLS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Ikke Almindelige Filer Image Playlist Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SML ESRI Udviklerfiler ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SPN Corel Indstillingsfiler Corel WordPerfect Distribution Definition Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SRX Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler SPARQL Query Results XML Format Result Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SS Open Source Udviklerfiler SilverStripe Source Code File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SSC Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler SourceSafe Status File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.STM Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Exchange Streaming Media File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.STRINGS Apple Tekstfiler Text Strings File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-BUILD Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Sublime Text Build Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-KEYMAP Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Keymap Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-PACKAGE Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Plug-in-filer Sublime Text Compressed Extension Package Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-PROJECT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Project Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-SESSION Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Session Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-SETTINGS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Settings Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-SNIPPET Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Snippet Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-SYNTAX Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Syntax Definition Format Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SUBLIME-WORKSPACE Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Indstillingsfiler Sublime Text Workspace Settings Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SVX The Survex Project GIS-filer Survex Cavern Data File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.SYSTEM Open Source Spilfiler Vega Strike Virtual System File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TBX Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) Datafiler SDL Trados Studio Glossary Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TCM IMSI/Design, LLC CAD-filer TurboCAD Mac Drawing Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TEXT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Plain Text File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TGML Unknown Developer Udviklerfiler Tecumseh Group Markup Language Source Code Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.THOR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Thor Source Code Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TLD The Eclipse Foundation Udviklerfiler Tag Library Descriptor File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TOM Aptora Datafiler Total Office Manager Accounting Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TOPC 3d-scape Limited Datafiler TopicCrunch Project File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TUR Holt Software Udviklerfiler Turing Program Source File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TX8 Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler DOS Text File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TXL Open Source Udviklerfiler TXL Source Code Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.TXT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Plain Text File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.UMF Datafiler MediaHolder Universal Media Format File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.USI Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler UsiXML UI Description Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.USR FileMaker Inc. Databasefiler FileMaker Pro Database File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.VB Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual Basic Project Item File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.VFK Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.VXML Voxeo Corporation Datafiler VoiceXML File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.WBF Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Windows Batch File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.WS MicroPro International Corp. Tekstfiler WordStar Document Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.WSH Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Windows Script Host Settings File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.XQL Open Source Udviklerfiler XML Query Language File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.XSLT Syncro Soft Datafiler XSL Transformation File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

