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Förlängning Utvecklare av filtypen Filkategori Beskrivning av filtypen Mjukvara Programutvecklare
.SSF Unknown Developer Videofiler Structured Subtitle Format File Notepad++ Don Ho
.STC Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbfiler Contribute Connection Key File Notepad++ Don Ho
.STE Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Dreamweaver Site Settings File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SVH IEEE Xplore Utvecklarfiler SystemVerilog Source Code Header File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SVX The Survex Project GIS filer Survex Cavern Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SYSTEM Open Source Spelfiler Vega Strike Virtual System File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TCM IMSI/Design, LLC CAD filer TurboCAD Mac Drawing Notepad++ Don Ho
.TEXT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Textfiler Plain Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TGD Planetside Software Datafiler Terragen Project File Notepad++ Don Ho
.THOR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Utvecklarfiler Thor Source Code Notepad++ Don Ho
.TLD The Eclipse Foundation Utvecklarfiler Tag Library Descriptor File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TOM Aptora Datafiler Total Office Manager Accounting Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.TOPC 3d-scape Limited Datafiler TopicCrunch Project File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TUR Holt Software Utvecklarfiler Turing Program Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TX8 Microsoft Corporation Textfiler DOS Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TXE Open Source Textfiler Enriched Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.TXL Open Source Utvecklarfiler TXL Source Code Notepad++ Don Ho
.TXT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Textfiler Plain Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.USE Unknown Developer Textfiler Log File Notepad++ Don Ho
.USER Microsoft Corporation Inställningsfiler Visual Studio Project User Options File Notepad++ Don Ho
.USF EVGA Corporation Inställningsfiler EVGA Precision X Skin File Notepad++ Don Ho
.USR FileMaker Inc. Databasfiler FileMaker Pro Database File Notepad++ Don Ho
.UTXT Open Source Textfiler Unicode Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.VB Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Visual Basic Project Item File Notepad++ Don Ho
.VBS Microsoft Corporation Exekverbara filer VBScript File Notepad++ Don Ho
.VC4 Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Visual C++ 4 File Notepad++ Don Ho
.VFK Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Textfiler Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format Notepad++ Don Ho
.VNT Sony Textfiler Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone vNote File Notepad++ Don Ho
.VXML Voxeo Corporation Datafiler VoiceXML File Notepad++ Don Ho
.WBF Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Microsoft Windows Batch File Notepad++ Don Ho
.WER Microsoft Corporation Mindre vanliga filer Windows Error Report File Notepad++ Don Ho
.WS MicroPro International Corp. Textfiler WordStar Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.WSF Microsoft Corporation Exekverbara filer Windows Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.WSH Microsoft Corporation Exekverbara filer Windows Script Host Settings File Notepad++ Don Ho
.WTX Stefan Hagel Textfiler Text Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.XC Open Source Textfiler Plain Text Source-code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.XFDL IBM Webbfiler Extensible Forms Description Language Notepad++ Don Ho
.XQL Open Source Utvecklarfiler XML Query Language File Notepad++ Don Ho
.XSLT Syncro Soft Datafiler XSL Transformation File Notepad++ Don Ho
.Y Microsoft Corporation Rasterbildfiler Subsampled Raw YUV Image Notepad++ Don Ho
.YAML Unknown Developer Utvecklarfiler YAML Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.YML Unknown Developer Utvecklarfiler YAML Document Notepad++ Don Ho
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