Selaa "M" Apple QuickTime Player-tiedostoja

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laajentaminen Tiedostotyypin kehittäjä Tiedostoluokka Tiedostotyypin kuvaus Ohjelmistotuotteet Ohjelmistokehittäjä
.M15 Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M1A Open Source Äänitiedostot MPEG-1 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M1V Roxio Videotiedostot MPEG-1 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M21 AXMEDIS Products and Services Videotiedostot AXMEDIS MPEG-21 File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2A Unknown Developer Videotiedostot MPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2S Maxthon Asetustiedostot Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2V Webteh Videotiedostot MPEG-2 Packetized Elementary Stream Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M4A Apple Äänitiedostot MPEG-4 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M4P Apple Äänitiedostot iTunes Music Store Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M4U Open Source Videotiedostot MPEG-4 Playlist Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M4V Apple Videotiedostot iTunes Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M75 Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MAC Apple Rasterikuvatiedostot MacPaint Image Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MID Open Source Äänitiedostot MIDI Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MIDI Synthesia LLC Äänitiedostot MIDI File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MJP LG Electronics Videotiedostot MJPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOO Apple Videotiedostot Apple QuickTime Movie Clip File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOOV Apple Videotiedostot Apple QuickTime Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOV Apple Videotiedostot Apple QuickTime Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOVIE Apple Videotiedostot QuickTime Movie File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP21 AXMEDIS Products and Services Videotiedostot AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Object Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP2V Roxio Videotiedostot MPEG-2 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG-4 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP4V Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG-4 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPA Unknown Developer Äänitiedostot MPEG-2 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPE Unknown Developer Videotiedostot MPEG Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPEG Unknown Developer Videotiedostot MPEG Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPG Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPG4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videotiedostot MPEG-4 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MPV2 Roxio Videotiedostot MPEG-2 Video Stream Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MQV Sony Videotiedostot Sony Movie Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MXF SMPTE Videotiedostot Material Exchange Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
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Windows 2000, XP, Vista,7, 8, 10 ja 11 -yhteensopiva

Asenna (valinnainen) - FileViewPro | EULA | Tietosuojakäytäntö | Ehdot | Poista asennus

“FileViewPro poistaa ajan ja turhautumisen, kun yrittää löytää tiettyä ohjelmistoa avatakseen tietyn tiedoston.”   - Tucows

