Gennemse "F" 3D Image- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.F3D Autodesk, Inc. 3D-billedfiler Fusion 3D Design Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc.
.F3Z Autodesk, Inc. 3D-billedfiler Fusion 360 Distributed Design File Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc.
.F4M Adobe Systems Incorporated 3D-billedfiler Adobe Flash Media Manifest File Adobe Media Server Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FACT EIAS3D 3D-billedfiler EIAS ElectricImage 3D File Electric Image Animation System (EIAS) EIAS3D
.FAQ The Document Foundation 3D-billedfiler Frequently Asked Questions Document LibreOffice The Document Foundation
.FBM Michael Loren "Fuzzy" Mauldin 3D-billedfiler Fuzzy Bitmap Image Graphics Converter Pro Newera Software Technology, Inc.
.FC2 Smith Micro Software 3D-billedfiler Poser Face Pose File Smith Micro Poser Smith Micro Software
.FCD Smart Projects 3D-billedfiler Virtual CD Format IsoBuster Smart Projects
.FCX Patton & Patton Software 3D-billedfiler Flow Charting Diagram File Flow Charting Patton & Patton Software
.FIG Open Source 3D-billedfiler Xfig Drawing Winfig Andreas Schmidt
.FLD Open Source 3D-billedfiler YSFLIGHT Field File YSFlight Open Source
.FLT Presagis 3D-billedfiler OpenFlight Scene Description File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.FNC E-on Software, Inc. 3D-billedfiler Vue Functions File E-on Vue E-on Software, Inc.
.FP FileMaker Inc. 3D-billedfiler FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet FileMaker Pro FileMaker Inc.
.FP3 Fast Report 3D-billedfiler FastReport Prepared Report File Fast Report Viewer Fast Report
.FPF Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 3D-billedfiler IKEA Home Planner File IKEA Home Planner Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
.FPT Sage 3D-billedfiler ACT! Data File Act! Swiftpage, Inc.
.FR4 Sirotinsky Arthur and Olga Fedorenko 3D-billedfiler Fractal Explorer Quaternion Spot Fractal Explorer Sirotinsky Arthur and Olga Fedorenko
.FRC Dovetail Games 3D-billedfiler FS Recorder File FS Recorder Unknown Developer
.FSH OpenGL 3D-billedfiler Fragment Shader File OpenGL SDK OpenGL
.FUN 3D Systems 3D-billedfiler Cubify Invention File Cubify Invent 3D Systems
.FVS Forest Management Service Center (FMSC) 3D-billedfiler Forest Vegetation Simulator Forest Vegetation Simulator Forest Management Service Center (FMSC)
.FX Microsoft Corporation 3D-billedfiler Direct3D Effects File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.FXM pmG Worldwide 3D-billedfiler MessiahStudio Motion File pmG messiahStudio pmG Worldwide
.FXS pmG Worldwide 3D-billedfiler MessiahStudio Scene File pmG messiahStudio pmG Worldwide
.FXT Rockstar Games 3D-billedfiler Grand Theft Auto Fake Text File Sanny Builder Open Source
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

