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Rozbudowa Deweloper typu pliku Kategoria pliku Opis typu pliku Główne oprogramowanie Główny deweloper oprogramowania
.1ST Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Visual FoxPro Documenting Wizard List Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.3 IBM Pliki tekstowe IBM Embedded ViaVoice Voice Type Languages Scripts Data IBM Embedded ViaVoice IBM
.3T Global Publishing Solutions Pliki tekstowe Advent 3B2 Text File Advanced Print Publisher (formerly Advent 3B2) Global Publishing Solutions
.4 IBM Pliki tekstowe IBM Voice Type Languages Scripts Data File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.4QR 4D, Inc Pliki tekstowe 4th Dimension Database Windows Quick Report 4D 4D, Inc
.602 Milan Broz Pliki tekstowe T602 Text File T602VW Milan Broz
.660 Acresso Software, Inc. Pliki tekstowe FLEXnet Manager File FLEXnet Manager Flexera Software
.89T Texas Instruments, Inc. Pliki tekstowe TI-89 Text File TI Connect Texas Instruments, Inc.
.9 Ubisoft Pliki tekstowe Salt Lake Winter Olympics 2002 Game Music File Salt Lake 2002 Ubisoft
.9XT Texas Instruments, Inc. Pliki tekstowe TI-89 Text File TI Connect Texas Instruments, Inc.
.A50 Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki tekstowe Adobe Authorware Library File Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ABW Abisource Pliki tekstowe AbiWord Document AbiWord Open Source
.ACP Alfresco Software, Inc. Pliki tekstowe Alfresco Content Package Alfresco Alfresco Software, Inc.
.ACT Bell Labs Pliki tekstowe ADPCM Compressed Audio File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.ADA Open Source Pliki tekstowe Ada Source Code Notepad++ Don Ho
.ADW Dr. K. Srinivasan Pliki tekstowe Adhawin Transliteration Scheme Adhawin Dr. K. Srinivasan
.AFF Kingsoft Pliki tekstowe Spellcheck Dictionary Description File Kingsoft Writer Kingsoft
.AFT Inc. Pliki tekstowe Family Tree Database Software MacKiev Family Tree Maker Inc.
.AGR Ableton Pliki tekstowe Ableton Groove File Ableton Live Ableton
.AIM AIMMS B.V. Pliki tekstowe AIMMS ASCII Model File AIMMS AIMMS B.V.
.AKS Srinivas Annam Pliki tekstowe Aksharamala Keymap Source Aksharamala Interscape
.AKT Srinivas Annam Pliki tekstowe Aksharamala Keymap Source Aksharamala Interscape
.ANS Open Source Pliki tekstowe ANSI Text File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.APKG Damien Elmes Pliki tekstowe Exported Anki Flashcard Deck Anki Damien Elmes
.APO Abacre Limited Pliki tekstowe Abacre Paperless Office File Abacre Paperless Office Abacre Limited
.APRJ Apache HTTP Project Management Committee Pliki tekstowe ApacheConf Project Apache Web Server Apache HTTP Project Management Committee
.APT Apache Software Foundation Pliki tekstowe Almost Plain Text File Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.ARK Avanquest Software Pliki tekstowe PowerDesk Pro Archive FreeArc Bulat Ziganshin
.ASC Symantec Corporation Pliki tekstowe PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) ASCII Armored File Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla
.ASCII Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Pliki tekstowe ASCII Text Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.ASE Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki tekstowe Adobe Swatch Exchange File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ATY G&A M.C. Pliki tekstowe Association Type Placeholder Topicscape G&A M.C.
.AW Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Answer Wizard File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.AWB Nokia Pliki tekstowe AMR-WB Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.AWD Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Microsoft Fax Document PolyView Polybytes
.AWH ActiveWord Systems, Inc. Pliki tekstowe ActiveWords Browser Help File ActiveWords ActiveWord Systems, Inc.
.AWP Ability Plus Software Pliki tekstowe Ability Write Template Ability Office Ability Plus Software
.AWT Abisource Pliki tekstowe AbiWord Template AbiWord Open Source
.AWW Ability Plus Software Pliki tekstowe Ability Write Document Ability Office Ability Plus Software
.AXR Systems AXIS Ltd. Pliki tekstowe AXIS Diplomat Report AXIS Diplomat Systems AXIS Ltd.
.B4U Open Source Pliki tekstowe Visual ReadMe Data File docPointer Open Source
.BAD Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Exchange Badmail File Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Corporation
.BBE MindGenius Ltd Pliki tekstowe Brainbloom Document Exchange File MindGenius MindGenius Ltd
.BBL Thomas Feuerstack Pliki tekstowe BibTeX Generated Bibliography File Bib2x Alexander Feder
.BBS Open Source Pliki tekstowe Bulletin Board System Text Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.BDP Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Exchange Diagnostic Message Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Corporation
.BDR Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Exchange Non-Delivery Report Body File Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Corporation
.BDT Don Ho Pliki tekstowe BDT Script BDT-script Don Ho
.BEAN James Hoover Pliki tekstowe Bean Rich Text Document Bean James Hoover
.BEL SourceForge Pliki tekstowe Beamer Layout File Beamer SourceForge
.BFX Cheyenne Software (CYE) Pliki tekstowe Bitware Fax Document FaxSee Pro SFaxTools
.BGV Bonanza Education Pliki tekstowe BonanzaGraf Financial Presentation BonanzaGraf Bonanza Education
.BIB Oren Patashnik Pliki tekstowe BibTeX Bibliography Database MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.BIBTEX Oren Patashnik Pliki tekstowe BibTeX Bibliography Database MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.BLL LaserGraphics Pliki tekstowe Binary Lasergraphics Language Document Lasergraphics WinRascol LaserGraphics
.BLW Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki tekstowe Adobe Photoshop Black And White Presets File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.BML Various Developers Pliki tekstowe Bean Markup Language File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.BNK Unknown Developer Pliki tekstowe Adlib Instrument Bank Adlib Tracker II Adlib Tracker II
.BNX Open Source Pliki tekstowe Board Neutral Exchange File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BOP Software Depot Online Pliki tekstowe Business Office Pro Document Business Office Pro Software Depot Online
.BPMN KAISHA-Tec Pliki tekstowe Business Process Model And Notation Document Avantage KAISHA-Tec
.BPT Corel Pliki tekstowe CorelDRAW Bitmap Master Data CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.BRH Sheshadrivasu Chandrashekaran Pliki tekstowe Baraha Document File Baraha Baraha Software
.BRX Qualcomm Pliki tekstowe BREW Application Resource File Brew MP SDK Qualcomm
.BTAB Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Base Guitar Tabulature Data Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.BTD Biztree Pliki tekstowe Business-in-a-Box Document Biztree Business-in-a-Box Biztree
.BTX SmartWare Corporation Pliki tekstowe SmartWare Backup Text File SmartWare SmartWare Corporation
.BXX Bitmanagement Software Pliki tekstowe BS Contact Parameter File Bitmanagement Software BS Contact Bitmanagement Software
.BZABW Abisource Pliki tekstowe Compressed AbiWord Document File AbiWord Open Source
.CAG Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe ClipArt Gallery Package Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.CDS CS Odessa Pliki tekstowe ConceptDraw SlideShow ConceptDraw PRO CS Odessa
.CHARSET Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Pliki tekstowe Character Set Apple TextEdit Apple
.CHART Interscape Pliki tekstowe Feedback Chart File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.CHORD Open Source Pliki tekstowe Song Chords File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CLB Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe COM+ Catalog File Microsoft COM+ Microsoft Corporation
.COD Unknown Developer Pliki tekstowe Compiled Source Code Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.COMMON Apple Pliki tekstowe Unix Script Unix AT&T Labs
.COO Autodesk, Inc. Pliki tekstowe AutoCAD Bounding Coordinates Cookie Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.CPR Steinberg Pliki tekstowe Cubase Project Steinberg Cubase Steinberg
.CST Smith Micro Software Pliki tekstowe Manga Studio Story File Manga Studio Smith Micro Software
.CTX Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Visual Basic Control Binary File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.CWS ChordWizard Software Pty Ltd Pliki tekstowe ChordWizard Songtrix Song ChordWizard Songtrix ChordWizard Software Pty Ltd
.CYI Hot Neuron Pliki tekstowe Clustify Input File Clustify Hot Neuron
.CZS Bruno DENIS Pliki tekstowe WinEcran Screen Link File WinEcran Bruno DENIS
.DCA IBM Pliki tekstowe DisplayWrite Document Advanced Computer Innovations WordPort Interscape
.DCF Sony Mobile Communications Pliki tekstowe DRM Content Format File DRM Packager Sony Mobile Communications
.DE Interscape Pliki tekstowe DrawExpress Diagram File DrawExpress Interscape
.DESC Electronic Arts Pliki tekstowe Battlefield 2 Map Description File Battlefield 2 Electronic Arts
.DFM Open Source Pliki tekstowe Pascal File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DGS TES Pliki tekstowe Dagesh Pro Document TES Dagesh Pro TES
.DH2 Pursuit Software Ltd. Pliki tekstowe Report Viewer File Pursuit CRM Pursuit Software Ltd.
.DIZ Unknown Developer Pliki tekstowe Description In Zip File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.DL Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Zoo Tycoon 2 Data File Zoo Tycoon 2 Microsoft Corporation
.DNE Norsys Software Corp Pliki tekstowe Netica Text File Norsys Netica Norsys Software Corp
.DOC Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Microsoft Word Document (before The 2007 Version) Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.DOCM Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.DOCS Unknown Developer Pliki tekstowe Document Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.DOCX Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Microsoft Word Open XML Document LibreOffice The Document Foundation
.DOCXML Microsoft Corporation Pliki tekstowe Microsoft Word XML Document Microsoft Word 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.DOK Nenad Hrg Pliki tekstowe DesktopOK Icons Layout File DesktopOK Nenad Hrg
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