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Uitbreiding Bestandstype Ontwikkelaar Bestandscategorie Bestandstype Beschrijving Software Software-ontwikkelaar
.1ST Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Visual FoxPro Documenting Wizard List Notepad++ Don Ho
.AD2 Unknown Developer Audiobestanden ADPCM 2-bit Compressed Voice Notepad++ Don Ho
.ADA Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Ada Source Code Notepad++ Don Ho
.ADM Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Administrative Template File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ADOC Stuart Rackham 3D-bestanden AsciiDoc File Notepad++ Don Ho
.AIML Richard S. Wallace Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Artificial Intelligence Markup Language Notepad++ Don Ho
.ALE Avid Technology Videobestanden Avid Log Exchange File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ANDROID Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Android Readme File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ANS Open Source Tekstbestanden ANSI Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.AS Adobe Systems Incorporated Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Adobe ActionScript File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ASC Symantec Corporation Versleutelde bestanden PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) ASCII Armored File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ASCII Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstbestanden ASCII Text Notepad++ Don Ho
.ASE Adobe Systems Incorporated Instellingsbestanden Adobe Swatch Exchange File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ASHX Microsoft Corporation Webbestanden ASP.NET Web Handler File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ATT Unknown Developer Webbestanden Web Form Post Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.AXD Microsoft Corporation Webbestanden ASP.NET Web Handler File Notepad++ Don Ho
.AXS Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden ActiveX Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.B Rockstar Games Spelbestanden Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BASH Apple Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Unix Bourne Shell (Bash) Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.BAT Microsoft Corporation Uitvoerbare bestanden DOS Batch File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BCS The Wavelength Instellingsbestanden Batch Compiler Specification File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BET Birger Møller-Pedersen and Kristen Nygaard Ontwikkelaarsbestanden BETA Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BIB Oren Patashnik Tekstbestanden BibTeX Bibliography Database Notepad++ Don Ho
.BLG Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Windows Binary Performance Log File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BML Various Developers Webbestanden Bean Markup Language File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BNX Open Source Tekstbestanden Board Neutral Exchange File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BS2 Parallax Ontwikkelaarsbestanden BASIC Stamp 2 Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BSD IEEE Xplore Gegevensbestanden Boundary Scan Description Language Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BWP Fluffy Smoke Entertainment Webbestanden BuRg3r Web Page Notepad++ Don Ho
.CC2 Briggs Softworks Gegevensbestanden Calendar Commander Calendar Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.CF Proofpoint, Inc. Instellingsbestanden Sendmail Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CHORD Open Source Tekstbestanden Song Chords File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CIK Corel Instellingsbestanden Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CIL Symantec Corporation Gegevensbestanden Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CMD Microsoft Corporation Uitvoerbare bestanden Windows Command File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CML Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Chemical Markup Language File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CONF Unknown Developer Instellingsbestanden Generic Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.COO Autodesk, Inc. Tekstbestanden AutoCAD Bounding Coordinates Cookie Notepad++ Don Ho
.CPQ Compaq Systeembestanden Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CRD Open Source Allerlei bestanden Guitar Tabs Notepad++ Don Ho
.CS Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden C# Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CSH Adobe Systems Incorporated Allerlei bestanden Photoshop Custom Shapes File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CSX Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Visual C# Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.CTT Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Messenger Contact List Notepad++ Don Ho
.CUE Unknown Developer Schijfimagebestanden Cue Sheet File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CXE Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Common XML Envelope Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.DB-JOURNAL Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Databasebestanden SQLite Rollback Journal File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DBP Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project Notepad++ Don Ho
.DEC Various Developers Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Declaration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DFM Open Source Tekstbestanden Pascal File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DIZ Unknown Developer Tekstbestanden Description In Zip File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DOB Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Visual Basic UserDocument Notepad++ Don Ho
.DOK Nenad Hrg Instellingsbestanden DesktopOK Icons Layout File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DP Stefan Hagel Tekstbestanden Text Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.DRC Open Source Allerlei bestanden Open Mobile Alliance DRM Rights Object Notepad++ Don Ho
.DSC Kingsoft Instellingsbestanden Kingsoft Design Science Equation File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DTS CyberLink Audiobestanden DTS Encoded Audio File Notepad++ Don Ho
.DX Digital Equipment Corporation Tekstbestanden DEC WPS Plus File Notepad++ Don Ho
.EMLX Apple Tekstbestanden Apple Mail Message Notepad++ Don Ho
.EN Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstbestanden English Language Translation File Notepad++ Don Ho
.ERB Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Ruby ERB Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.ES Interscape Audiobestanden ECHOSPEECH File Notepad++ Don Ho
.EW OpenEuphoria Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Euphoria Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.EX Symantec Corporation Instellingsbestanden Norton Ghost Template Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.EXAMPLE Open Source Instellingsbestanden Example Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.EXT Symantec Corporation Plug-inbestanden Norton Commander Extension Notepad++ Don Ho
.EXW OpenEuphoria Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Euphoria Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.FAQ The Document Foundation 3D-bestanden Frequently Asked Questions Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.FASTQ Technelysium Gegevensbestanden FASTQ Format Notepad++ Don Ho
.FDR Final Draft Tekstbestanden Final Draft Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.FFP Open Source Tekstbestanden FLAC Fingerprint Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.FGL Fifth Generation Systems Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Fifth Generation Language Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.FNA University of Virginia Gegevensbestanden FASTA DNA And Protein Sequence Alignment Notepad++ Don Ho
.FR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstbestanden French Language Translation Notepad++ Don Ho
.FSA University of Virginia Gegevensbestanden FASTA DNA And Protein Sequence Alignment Notepad++ Don Ho
.FSSCRIPT Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Visual F# Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.FSX Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Visual F# Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GEOJSON Open Source GIS-bestanden GeoJSON File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GER Open Source Tekstbestanden German Text/html Info Notepad++ Don Ho
.GFW Open Source GIS-bestanden GIF World File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GM GameMonkey Ontwikkelaarsbestanden GameMonkey Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.GP Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Gofer Project Source Notepad++ Don Ho
.GPL Open Source Tekstbestanden GNU Public License Text File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GSC Activision Spelbestanden Call Of Duty Game Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.GSD PROFIBUS & PROFINET International Tekstbestanden General Station Description File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GWS Intergraph Corporation Instellingsbestanden GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HAN Amazon eBook-bestanden Amazon Kindle eBook Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HAY Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Haydee Web Server Module Content File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HDM Openwave Systems Ltd Webbestanden Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HDML Openwave Systems Ltd Webbestanden Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Instellingsbestanden Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HPF IBM Ontwikkelaarsbestanden High Performance Fortran File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HRL Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Erlang Header File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HSK Huskey Truss & Building Supply Gegevensbestanden Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HTMLS Open Source Webbestanden HTML With Server-Side Include Notepad++ Don Ho
.HTX Microsoft Corporation Webbestanden HTML Extension File Notepad++ Don Ho
.HVC Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstbestanden ASCII Text Notepad++ Don Ho
.ICF Zoom Telephonics Back-upbestanden Zoom Router Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.IDF Don Ho Instellingsbestanden MIDI Instrument Definition File Notepad++ Don Ho
.IIL Symantec Corporation Gegevensbestanden Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Notepad++ Don Ho
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