Gennemse "X" Text- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.XAMLX Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Microsoft Visual Studio XAMLX Document Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.XC Open Source Tekstfiler Plain Text Source-code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.XCP Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. Tekstfiler XLNT Script Command XLNT Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc.
.XMS Alexander Gross Tekstfiler Music Studio Project Alexander Gross Music Studio Alexander Gross
.XNG Unknown Developer Tekstfiler FishXing Culvert Data File FishXing Unknown Developer
.XOML Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Microsoft Visual Studio XOML File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.XPROJ Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Microsoft Visual Studio ASP.NET Project Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.XSR Bentley Systems Tekstfiler Bentley GEOPAK XS List Report GEOPAK Civil Engineering Suite Bentley Systems
.XTG Ben Stöver Tekstfiler Extensible TreeGraph File TreeGraph Ben Stöver
.XTX Flambeaux Software Tekstfiler xText File xText Flambeaux Software
.XVG Open Source Tekstfiler Grace Document GRACE Open Source
.XWP Xerox Tekstfiler Xerox Writer Text Document Xerox Writer Fuji Xerox
.XXN Dimenzo, Inc. Tekstfiler Dimenzo Text Editor Document Dimenzo Text Editor Dimenzo, Inc.
.XY XyQuest Tekstfiler XYWrite Document Corel WordPerfect Corel
.XY3 David Erickson Tekstfiler XYWrite III Document XYWrite for Windows David Erickson
.XY4V XyQuest Tekstfiler XYWrite IV Document File XyWrite XyQuest
.XYP The Technology Group Tekstfiler XYWrite Plus Document XYWrite Plus The Technology Group
.XYW David Erickson Tekstfiler XYWrite For Windows Document XYWrite for Windows David Erickson
.XYZ SourceForge Tekstfiler Molecule Specification File Avogadro Open Source
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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

