Gennemse "M" Apple-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.M MathWorks Udviklerfiler MATLAB Source Code File Apple TextEdit Apple
.M15 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.M1A Open Source Lydfiler MPEG-1 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M1V Roxio Videofiler MPEG-1 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M21 AXMEDIS Products and Services Videofiler AXMEDIS MPEG-21 File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2A Unknown Developer Videofiler MPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2S Maxthon Indstillingsfiler Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M2V Webteh Videofiler MPEG-2 Packetized Elementary Stream Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M3U Nullsoft Lydfiler Media Playlist File Apple iTunes Apple
.M3U8 Various Developers Lydfiler UTF-8 M3U Playlist File Apple iTunes Apple
.M4A Apple Lydfiler MPEG-4 Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.M4B Apple Lydfiler MPEG-4 Audio Book File Apple iTunes Apple
.M4P Apple Lydfiler iTunes Music Store Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.M4R Apple Lydfiler iPhone Ringtone File Apple iTunes Apple
.M4U Open Source Videofiler MPEG-4 Playlist Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.M4V Apple Videofiler iTunes Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.M75 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.MAC Apple Rasterbilledfiler MacPaint Image Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MAC2 Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MACRO Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MACWRITE Apple Tekstfiler MacWrite Text Document MacWrite Apple
.MAILBOX Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MAK Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Makefile Apple Xcode Apple
.MAKEFILE Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Makefile Apple Xcode Apple
.MAN Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Unix Manual Apple TextEdit Apple
.MANIFEST Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Application Manifest File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MAPS Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MARCH Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.MARIO Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MARKDOWN Various Developers Udviklerfiler Markdown Documentation File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MBDB Apple Datafiler iTunes Backup Manifest Database Apple iTunes Apple
.MBL Vernier Software & Technology Datafiler Logger Pro Data File Vernier Graphical Analysis Apple
.MBOX Unknown Developer Datafiler E-mail Mailbox Apple Mail Apple
.MCWORLD Smith Micro Software Spilfiler Minecraft World Backup File Apple Archive Utility Apple
.MD Various Developers Udviklerfiler Markdown Documentation File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MDBACKUP Apple Sikkerhedskopifiler iPhone Data Backup File Apple iTunes Apple
.MDOWN John Gruber Tekstfiler Markdown Markup Language Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.ME Unknown Developer Ikke Almindelige Filer Temporary Delete Me File Apple Pages Apple
.MEMORY Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MENU id Software Spilfiler Quake 3 Engine Menu File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MERLIN Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MESSAGES Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.METADATA_NEVER_INDEX Apple Systemfiler Spotlight Never Index File macOS Apple
.METAL Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MF Walt Disney Imagineering Spilfiler Gameplay Multifile Apple TextEdit Apple
.MICE Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MID Open Source Lydfiler MIDI Audio File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MIDI Synthesia LLC Lydfiler MIDI File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MIM Internet Engineering Task Force Kodet filer Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File Apple Mail Apple
.MIME Various Developers Kodet filer Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension Apple Mail Apple
.MISC Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MJP LG Electronics Videofiler MJPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MKEXT Apple Systemfiler Mac OS X Mach Kernel Extension Memory Cache macOS Apple
.MKV Various Developers Videofiler Matroska Video File olimsoft OPlayer Apple
.MLTV Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MM Kodak Datafiler Kodak EasyShare Thumbnail Cache File Apple Xcode Apple
.MNU Autodesk, Inc. Indstillingsfiler AutoCAD Interface Layout File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MODEM Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MOM Apple Udviklerfiler Managed Object Model Apple Xcode Apple
.MOO Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Clip File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOUSE Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOVEMON Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.MOVIE Apple Videofiler QuickTime Movie File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP1 RealNetworks Lydfiler MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.MP2 New World Computing Spilfiler Heroes Of Might And Magic II Map File Apple iTunes Apple
.MP21 AXMEDIS Products and Services Videofiler AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Object Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP2V Roxio Videofiler MPEG-2 Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Lydfiler MP3 Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.MP4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.MP4V Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.MPA Unknown Developer Lydfiler MPEG-2 Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.MPE Unknown Developer Videofiler MPEG Movie Apple iTunes Apple
.MPEG Unknown Developer Videofiler MPEG Movie Apple iTunes Apple
.MPG Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.MPG4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.MPGA RealNetworks Lydfiler MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File Apple iTunes Apple
.MPKG Open Source Komprimerede filer Meta Package File Apple OS X Apple
.MPR Open Source Datafiler Bibexcel Data Apple iTunes Apple
.MPS IBM Datafiler Mathematical Programming System File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MPV Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Elementary Stream Video File PentaLoop PlayerXtreme Media Player Apple
.MPV2 Roxio Videofiler MPEG-2 Video Stream Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MQV Sony Videofiler Sony Movie Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MRF Apple Skrifttypefiler Macintosh Font File Apple OS X Apple
.MRW Konica Minolta Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Minolta Raw Image File Apple Photos Apple
.MSG2 Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.MSL Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Mapping Specification Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MSP Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Installer Patch Apple AppleWorks Apple
.MSPX Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page Safari Apple
.MTS Sony Videofiler AVCHD Video File Apple Final Cut Pro Apple
.MW Apple Tekstfiler MacWrite Text Document MacWrite Apple
.MXF SMPTE Videofiler Material Exchange Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MXML Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Flex MXML Component Apple TextEdit Apple
Gennemse Apple-filtyper Alfabetisk:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

