Gennemse alle Apple TextEdit-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.A Open Source Udviklerfiler Static Library Apple TextEdit Apple
.AAE Apple Datafiler Sidecar Image Format File Apple TextEdit Apple
.AD2 Unknown Developer Lydfiler ADPCM 2-bit Compressed Voice Apple TextEdit Apple
.ADOC Stuart Rackham 3D-billedfiler AsciiDoc File Apple TextEdit Apple
.ANDROID Unknown Developer Datafiler Android Readme File Apple TextEdit Apple
.AS Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Adobe ActionScript File Apple TextEdit Apple
.ASC Symantec Corporation Kodet filer PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) ASCII Armored File Apple TextEdit Apple
.ASCII Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler ASCII Text Apple TextEdit Apple
.AWK Free Software Foundation Udviklerfiler AWK Script Apple TextEdit Apple
.B Rockstar Games Spilfiler Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BCS The Wavelength Indstillingsfiler Batch Compiler Specification File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BI Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Binary File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BLG Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Windows Binary Performance Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BMK return7, LLC Sikkerhedskopifiler BillMinder Backup File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BML Various Developers Webfiler Bean Markup Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.BWP Fluffy Smoke Entertainment Webfiler BuRg3r Web Page Apple TextEdit Apple
.CEL Affymetrix Datafiler Affymetrix Probe Results File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CELX Open Source Eksekverbare filer Celestia Script File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CF Proofpoint, Inc. Indstillingsfiler Sendmail Configuration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CFG Unknown Developer Udviklerfiler Configuration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CHARSET Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Character Set Apple TextEdit Apple
.CHORD Open Source Tekstfiler Song Chords File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CIK Corel Indstillingsfiler Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CIL Symantec Corporation Datafiler Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CML Unknown Developer Datafiler Chemical Markup Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CONF Unknown Developer Indstillingsfiler Generic Configuration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CONFIG Unknown Developer Udviklerfiler Configuration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CPQ Compaq Systemfiler Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.CRASH Apple Systemfiler Mac OS X Crash Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DB-JOURNAL Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Databasefiler SQLite Rollback Journal File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DBP Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project Apple TextEdit Apple
.DEC Various Developers Udviklerfiler Declaration File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DIZ Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Description In Zip File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DOK Nenad Hrg Indstillingsfiler DesktopOK Icons Layout File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DSC Kingsoft Indstillingsfiler Kingsoft Design Science Equation File Apple TextEdit Apple
.DTD Syncro Soft Udviklerfiler Document Type Definition File Apple TextEdit Apple
.ERB Open Source Udviklerfiler Ruby ERB Script Apple TextEdit Apple
.ERR Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Error Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.ES Interscape Lydfiler ECHOSPEECH File Apple TextEdit Apple
.EXT Symantec Corporation Plug-in-filer Norton Commander Extension Apple TextEdit Apple
.FSSCRIPT Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual F# Script File Apple TextEdit Apple
.FSX Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual F# Script File Apple TextEdit Apple
.GPL Open Source Tekstfiler GNU Public License Text File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HAML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler HTML Abstraction Markup Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Indstillingsfiler Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HRL Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory Udviklerfiler Erlang Header File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HSK Huskey Truss & Building Supply Datafiler Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HTML5 Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler HTML5 Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.HVC Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler ASCII Text Apple TextEdit Apple
.IIL Symantec Corporation Datafiler Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.IL Microsoft Corporation Ikke Almindelige Filer MSIL Assembler Input File Apple TextEdit Apple
.INFO GNU Project Ikke Almindelige Filer Texinfo Document Apple TextEdit Apple
.ION Open Source Systemfiler File Description File Apple TextEdit Apple
.JAV Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Java Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.JAVA Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Java Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.JNLP Oracle Corporation Webfiler Java Web Start File Apple TextEdit Apple
.JS NetScape Webfiler JavaScript File Apple TextEdit Apple
.JSCRIPT NetScape Webfiler JavaScript File Apple TextEdit Apple
.JSON Mozilla Sikkerhedskopifiler Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Backup Apple TextEdit Apple
.JWK Douglas Crockford Krypterede Filer JSON Web Key Apple TextEdit Apple
.KCL Nintendo Spilfiler Mario Kart Collision File Apple TextEdit Apple
.KDS Knyzhov Dmitry Indstillingsfiler KD Player Skin File Apple TextEdit Apple
.L Johan Bontes Datafiler Game Of Life File Apple TextEdit Apple
.LDS GNU Project Udviklerfiler Binutils LD Linker Script Apple TextEdit Apple
.LGE Don Ho Datafiler Log Data Apple TextEdit Apple
.LIS SourceForge Tekstfiler SQR (Structured Query Reporting) Output File Apple TextEdit Apple
.LIST Open Source Datafiler APT List File Apple TextEdit Apple
.LOG Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.LOL Apple Udviklerfiler LOLCODE Source Code FIle Apple TextEdit Apple
.LST Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Data List Apple TextEdit Apple
.LYT Adminsoft Datafiler Adminsoft Document Layout File Apple TextEdit Apple
.M MathWorks Udviklerfiler MATLAB Source Code File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MAN Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Unix Manual Apple TextEdit Apple
.MANIFEST Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Application Manifest File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MARKDOWN Various Developers Udviklerfiler Markdown Documentation File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MD Various Developers Udviklerfiler Markdown Documentation File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MDBACKUP Apple Sikkerhedskopifiler iPhone Data Backup File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MDOWN John Gruber Tekstfiler Markdown Markup Language Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.ME Unknown Developer Ikke Almindelige Filer Temporary Delete Me File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MENU id Software Spilfiler Quake 3 Engine Menu File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MF Walt Disney Imagineering Spilfiler Gameplay Multifile Apple TextEdit Apple
.MNU Autodesk, Inc. Indstillingsfiler AutoCAD Interface Layout File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MPS IBM Datafiler Mathematical Programming System File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MSL Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Mapping Specification Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.MXML Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Flex MXML Component Apple TextEdit Apple
.NFO Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler System Information File Apple TextEdit Apple
.NOW The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File Apple TextEdit Apple
.OCR URUWORKS Ikke Almindelige Filer Subtitle Workshop OCR Script Apple TextEdit Apple
.ODT Oracle Corporation Tekstfiler OpenDocument Text Document Apple TextEdit Apple
.OUT Open Source Eksekverbare filer Compiled Executable File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PAGE Hybrid Server Pages Group Webfiler HybridJava Web Page Apple TextEdit Apple
.PANIC Open Source Systemfiler Kernel Panic File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PDU Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Protocol Data Unit Message Apple TextEdit Apple
.PER Microsoft Corporation Spilfiler Age Of Empires Personality File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PHL Amazon eBogsfiler Kindle Popular Highlights File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PHP Panic Webfiler PHP Source Code File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PHTM The Catalina Group Webfiler PHP-Based Web Page Apple TextEdit Apple
.PID Open Source Ikke Almindelige Filer Process ID File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PKS Oracle Corporation Datafiler Oracle Package Spec File Apple TextEdit Apple
.PP Geckonization Datafiler Pocket Physics Sketch File Apple TextEdit Apple
Gennemse Apple TextEdit-filtyper alfabetisk:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

